The importance of visitors to our blog is to improve the traffic that can affect the ranking of our blog. So...There is an easy way to increase visitors to our blog. I use here at least 3 facilities to do a link exchange, namely:

Spottt is a free way to trade links with other like minded sites. You show ads of other Spottt members, and they will show your ads.

Entrecard is a free social advertising network for bloggers. The core of our business is to help bloggers increase traffic to their blogs and network with other bloggers. We help bloggers achieve this by providing users with 3 unique services: a free advertising network, a Social Networking platform, and a Marketplace where users can buy/sell trade services. Entrecard is the internet business card 2.0. When you sign up, you create a125×125 card for your site or blog. You can advertise your card on any blog sites within our network using our Entrecard credits (EC credits) which you can earn for free. You earn EC credits by displaying other people’s card on your blog. View details...
if you already sign up entrecard, you can use Entrecard DROP CLUB for earn Drop 300 EC credits in 15 minutes.

BlogClicker is a blog traffic exchange dedicated to blog sites and focused on bringing blog traffic to your blogs! You've taken the time and effort to put your blog online and we're here to help you get people to read it! View details...
Be careful with Entrecard Drop Club... Usually it's against the Terms of Entrecard to drop on cards without visiting the blog... and this is the case with this club?!
owh..thanks for d info, i will take attention
hi, visit and click ur 2 ads. visit mine too :)
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